Plant Technology of First Peoples in British Columbia

Nancy J. Turner


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“This excellent field guide to many plants native to British Columbia emphasizes the traditional technological uses of plant materials by the First Peoples of the region…. This well-organized, clearly written book contains a wealth of fascination information for both the ethnobotanist and the interested layperson.” – Nikki Tate-Stratton, Canadian Book Review Annual

The Royal Museum Shop is operated by the Royal BC Museum Foundation. All proceeds from the sale of merchandise go directly towards supporting the many fine programs and special events at the Royal BC Museum.

1998, paperback, 264 pages

colour photographs

ISBN 978-0-7726-5847-0

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In her third ethnobotany handbook, Nancy Turner directs her attention to the plants that provided heat, shelter, transportation, clothing, implements, nets, ropes and containers ­– the necessities of life – for the First Peoples of BC and adjacent territories. These plants also made good decorations and ornaments, scents, cleansing agents, insect repellents, and many other items.

Royal BC Museum Handbook.


About the author:

Dr Nancy J. Turner is distinguished and Hakai professor in ethnoecology in the School of Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria. She has published several books and numerous articles on ethnobotany and First Nations issues. She has received numerous awards for her work and is a member of the Order of Canada and the Order of British Columbia.

Other books by Nancy J. Turner:
Food Plants of Coastal First Peoples
Food Plants of Interior First Peoples
Saanich Ethnobotany: Culturally Important Plants of the WSANEC People


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